Soft, flexible Loomia circuit laminated to a textile


Soft & Flexible Electronics | E-textiles

Fortune 500 Companies trust Loomia for Custom Heating, Pressure Sensing, Cabling, Antennas and more .

Introducing the

Loomia Electronic Layer

The Loomia Electronic Layer is a mesh-based alternative to flex PCBs, Printed Ink on TPU and traditional E-textiles

  • More flexible than a Flex PCB with up to 50% stretch for serpentine designs.

  • 40% improvement in conductivity over printed ink on TPU with less deviation between units. Traces will not crack and resistance doesn’t change when units are stretched.

  • Silver-free conductors available for improved sustainability and no heavy chemical etchants used in production.

  • Available at up to 20,000 units a week in an ISO 13485- and ISO 9001-certified facility. Units can cost as low as $.05 per square inch.

  • Our Circuits are built for integration — no plastic housing needed. It can work with termination and trim of your choice.

Solving Engineering Challenges 

Across Industries

Our components are engineered to perform in medical and wellness devices, automotive interiors, and robotics.

GIF of someone stretching a soft, flexible circuit attached to a fabric.