Examples of Loomia interconnects, cabling and pressure sensors

Pressure Sensors

and FSRs

Customized Pressure Sensors, Force Sensitive Resistors (FSRs) and Pressure Matrices - tuned to your sensitivity.

FSR, Pressure Sensor, and Pressure Matrices

The Loomia Electronic Layer can be customized to a pressure sensor or matrix in your required shape and size. We can tune sensitivity to meet your requirements.

Loomia pressure matrix
Loomia single pressure sensor

9 Point Pressure Matrix Example

Single Point Pressure Matrix Example

  • Pressure matrices allow for individual sensing of seperate regions over the surface of a sensor. We can design matrices to in a range of sizes, with sensing sections as small as 0.2" or 5mm each.

  • We work hand-in-hand with your team to customize the sensitivity of pressure sensors to meet your spec. Using a combination of masks and layering, we can mask out noisy areas, or create more sensitive zones for your component. Click here to learn more about our customization capabilities.

  • Single-Point sensors are highly customizable to support everything from fingertip sensing to occupancy sensing. Our ultra-conformable sensors allow for textile integration, unlike Flex PCBs.

Not your Standard Printed Sensor 

Loomia pressure sensors are not printed, giving them a different performance profile than many off-the-shelf printed sensors. See if LEL pressure sensors are right for you by requesting a free sample below and using our code snippets and tutorials to get up and running with an Arduino.